Wing Chun Kuen Kwoon
Grand-Master Kevin Liu began teaching
kung fu in Brighton, England, in 1984, and during the thirty
seven years since the founding of the Wing Chun School has
instructed many students. As
a descendent in a direct line that stems from Great Grand-Master
Leung Jan, and which derives from Fu Shan, China,
his Wing Chun is significantly different from the more commonly
known interpretations of the style. Grand-Master
Kevin Liu
thus teaches and practices a highly refined and theoretical
form of classical, traditional Wing Chun, and values quality
far higher than quantity.
Grand-Master Kevin Liu was born in 1940 – the
year of the Dragon – in Po Sheung Tsuen, Shuen Shui
Village, Hong Kong, China. Now 79, he has loved
martial arts from a young age, and learned many of the popular
styles of Kung Fu before being introduced to Great Grand-Master
Lok Yiu by
a senior Kung Fu brother. He has searched for the root
of Wing Chun in Fu Shan, China, and in doing
so visited many schools, but found that their teachings were
all notably different from the traditional style that he learnt.
Grand-Master Kevin Liu expects his students to study hard. His
advice to all is to learn and practice in the correct manner – to
follow the real dragon.
